Surety 3 General Agency is a refreshing new concept in the Managing General Agent community,
we are investing in our agents. Surety 3 General Agency was built on the foundation of thinkers, out-of-the-box visionaries,
with big ideas for the bail industry. As experienced Bail Bond Agents, we feel that MGA’s and INSURER’s should do more than
just issue powers and paperwork.
New Agents and Experience Agents applications are being accepted?
If you already have an existing relationship with a surety company and would like a secondary company come explore your options, you may be surprised to hear how flexible we can be to earn your business. There's no bond to big that you couldn't write with us.
Join our dynamic team of licensed agents and work with one of
Saving for tomorrow starts today, and at Surety 3 we offer our agent or associates several ways to ensure their futures are bright. Our agents or associates can build wealth and secure a promising financial future. Review the savings......We are available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
GPS Monitoring
We are investing in our agents by offering all the above, plus:
Continuing Education Tuition Reimbursement Program
One of the most important and generous benefits a company can offer is tuition reimbursement
(No Charge to Agents)
Scholarship Program
The Surety 3 General Agency offers scholarship programs that benefit qualified Surety 3 agents and their Spouses, Domestic Partners and Eligible Children. Our scholarships are not available to the public (No Charge to Agents)
We offer Instant Powers
The program
works via a web-based program that allows agents to receive their powers instantly through e-mail, eliminating the need
for shipping and waiting time. (No Charge to Agents)
Marketing Strategy Guidance Department
Yes, we will start a marketing campaign for you we will list your business in over 30 sites and apps for free and you can use the event street team. We have thrived in one of the most competitive markets in the nation. We will lend our support and guide your marketing efforts.
(No Charge
to Agents)
We offer better than competitive Rates and Contracts
We are offering: Name Your Own Rate, that’s right just like Priceline,
you can Name Your Own Rate.
Do you know how much you could save by switching to SURETY 3?
You Could Save up to $5000 plus on POWER REPORTS
Bail Agent Software (Captira Analytical /Bail Books or any Bail Agent Software)
(No Charge to Agents) - That's
$150 per mo. Saving =$1800 in your pocket. Per year.
shrinkable (Adjustable Rate) contracts
Welcome to the home of the Shrinking contract rates - an easy way to save and keep money in your pocket or purse.
Large Bond or Risky / High Risk Bail Bonds posting
Have you ever lost a large bond while waiting for a bond approval ? Some companies simply don't write large bonds or certain types of bail bonds such as federal bonds or high risk bonds. Our company represents a Nationwide Bonding Network of bail agents. If a bond is good or bad we will get it written fast.
(No Charge to Agents)
Vacation or relaxing getaway (No Charge
to Agents)
If you want a no-hassle, relaxing getaway, whether you want a luxury, thrifty, family-friendly or kid-free vacation, week
or weekend in the Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Disney (Orlando, Fl.). Surety 3 has three (3) Timeshare options for our agents
at NO CHARGE that's right NO CHARGE:
1. Timeshare house in the
Two (2) Story house with Three bedrooms, 2 baths downstairs and two (2) one bedroom /one bath apartments upstairs
2. Timeshare house in the
all at No Charge to our agents and family.. A Saving of $375 a day.
Disney Timeshare one bedroom /one bath Condo with maid service. On the property of Disney (
Risk Management and
Loss Prevention (Tool Shed)
All Bail agents feel they are the best recovery agent or have the best recovery agent Your fugitive recovery problems become our fugitive recovery solutions. You benefit from our extensive local and nationwide fugitive recovery contacts. We have a full time fugitive recovery administrator at your disposal. We help organize your fugitive recovery processes and paperwork. We provide hands on support and create backup systems to help tracks your fugitives and manage your risk..-(No Charge to Agents)
Below is a list of some of the services Risk Management and Loss Prevention provided:
Business and Legal Counsel
In house legal Counsel for Surety 3 agents (No Charge to Agents)
A Work to own program is a unique agreement wherein an Agent agrees to work for a specified period of time, after which Surety 3 General Agency transfers the ownership of the bail bond agency to the agent. (No Charge to Agents)
Nationwide Immigration Bond posting. We can provide you and your client with Nationwide Immigration Bond posting to help you
get and keep more money in your pocket. (No Charge to Agents)
Defendant's Call In (check-in) Line
We have a Free dedicated Defendant Check-In line for daily, weekly, or monthly check-ins.
Your Client Leave his/her name, date of next court, along with any changes of address, employment or phone numbers; until his/her case has been disposed of. (No Charge to Agents)
Cell Phone Tracking
you need to track down a defendant cell phone that has failed to appear in court, you’ve come to the right place.
(No Charge
to Agents)