Agent license requirements
· The superintendent of the
(1) Identifying information as to the registrant and at least one bail bondsman on whose behalf he or she is authorized to act as agent: Provided, That a registrant may not act on behalf of any bail bondsman until authorization to act is filed with the superintendent;
(2) A complete set of the registrant’s fingerprints, certified by an authorized law enforcement officer;
(3) A recent credential-sized, full-face photograph of the registrant;
(4) Certification, under penalties of perjury, that the registrant is at least twenty-one years of age, is a citizen of the United States, and has never been convicted of a felony in any state of the United States;
(5) Authorization in writing, as provided in subsection (b) or (c) of this section, from any bail bondsman on whose behalf the bail bond enforcer is authorized to enter this state or act within this state; and
(6) Other information as the superintendent determines is reasonable and necessary.
Statutory Rates (Premium must be charged in accordance with PSC -S3GA filed rates for this state.)
Premium Rate: 12%
Minimum Premium: $60
Federal Rate: 12%
Collateral - Mortgage Form
Remission – Not Applicable
State Fees Per Bond - 2% of Liability of bond
(must be added to price quote)
Sheriff's Fee: $30 per bond